"Everyone in Portland is living a minimum of three lives." Katherine Dunn (author of Geek Love)
We at Eyeful Gallery are often times asked; how is it exactly you guys come up with all of the exquisite glass pieces? Is it a little bit of magic, or trickery, or how about voodoo? Well today I'm going to try and show you a little bit of what it takes to craft some fine glass art.

First we start out with a healthy dosage of paddle ball.

Then add a pinch of disco-style.

Insert Smoke and Mirrors

Consult Ice Man From Top Gun.
...And presto we are finished. The piece is then sealed inside of a top secret, atmosphere controlled chamber. Then it is placed inside of an armour-plated van and rapidly driven to 625 NW Everett, Portland, Oregon: Eyeful Gallery. There it will be professionally installed into its well lit, air conditioned, shock resistant display case. Finally it is properly labeled. Having gone through this rigorous process it is then officially on display in an actual gallery, for purchase. I hope this little lesson has cleared up any questions one may have. Good show.
P.S. We are currently hard at work preparing another website loaded with photos of art, artist profiles, etc. The blog portion will continue in the news article's section of the new website. Once we have the site fully updated I will post a final blog with a new link.