This lovely month us folks at Eyeful Gallery, had to stop and meditate as a group pondering the way for the future. The country itself could use a little sip off of the same spoonful of medicine as we have now taken, sugar and all. Smelling the roses once in a while etc. Still just as our young country is now starting to realize, things do have a habit of altering themselves at a breakneck pace, and not always for the better. I guess its important to remember that much is out of our control! That being said we decided to focus on the things that are within our control, and one of those things as always is, how we choose to spend our time. Just then Phil Anthropy knocked on the door, and we at the Eyeful Gallery were compelled to answer. The philanthropic task turned out to be just a matter of combining forces like the super friends, to blow glass. With Jeff Ballard at the helm of one of two gaffer's benches aptly leading the team of Wes Chumley, Joe Tsoulfas, and Josh Sands. Applying his trademark smoke screen to the ambience. Two glory holes spit fire like circus freaks, as the temperature reached epic storybook proportions.

Thank you as well is due to the other teammates in zone two. At the gaffer's bench was Mike Hengler, with Aaron, and Emmerich, big pimpin' it with assistance.

Our mission was to fabricate all of the blown glass art center pieces for the tables during the Eugene Glass School's annual auction event. With the Eugene Glass School being such a great non-profit organization, and facility it was naturally an easy choice to want to donate our time and skills to create some nice glass to add to the auction for bidding. We are all very excited for the upcoming event, which is changing venues this year.

Still it is truly mutually benificial, to donate your time, since ultimately you will learn something new everytime. This is especially true with soft glass blowing in the hot shop, since it takes a crew, a large and well equipped facility, time and energy, etc...Besides each time you do something it only helps you to get better at it, even if it's just a little bit, right? Plus all the bonding, and teamwork.

And finally our "Four Artists: Two Hours" show, starring; Freeman Corbin, Josh Sands, Flynn Helper, and Jeff Ballard comes down in the gallery. The fine folks who purchased pieces can now promptly add them to their collection!